Friday, March 10, 2006


The Secret of Success

original from

The Secrets of Success

Posted by Lance

What does it take to be a successful in our profession?
Intelligence. You need an innate talent in different forms to succeed as a scientist.
Problem Solving. Using well-established techniques in the appropriate way to find solutions.
Creativity. Original research means one needs to look beyond the current set of tools and develop new approaches to problems.
Vision. Discovering new problems and directions of research.
Hard work. Enough said.
Luck. Working on the right problem at the right time. If you work long enough` the law of averages will catch up with you (for good or for bad).
Discipline. The discipline to focus on research for a period of time without getting distracted from other responsibilities or by the internet or other activities. Some people find it best to schedule time for research and hole themselves up somewhere to think about a problem.
Commitment. Be willing to spend a considerable amount of time on a problem even if you keep running into dead ends.
Training. Taking and working hard in classes. Having and taking advantage of a good advisor. Reading papers and textbooks. When you see a theorem in a paper try to prove it yourself first. Only then can you truly appreciate a proof and learn from it.
Colleagues. Having co-authors, especially those that complement your talents, can help you do more than you could on your own. But just having good people to talk to, to bounce off proof ideas and discuss research directions can greatly help you find the right approach to a problem.

translation from

芝加哥大学计算机系教授Lance Fortnow在他的Blog上写了一篇短文章“The Secret of Success”(成功的秘诀),现翻译下来推荐给中文读者。

What does it take to be a successful in our profession?

Intelligence. You need an innate talent in different forms to succeed as a scientist.

Problem Solving. Using well-established techniques in the appropriate way to find solutions.
Creativity. Original research means one needs to look beyond the current set of tools and develop new approaches to problems.
Vision. Discovering new problems and directions of research.

Hard work. Enough said.


Luck. Working on the right problem at the right time. If you work long enough` the law of averages will catch up with you (for good or for bad).


Discipline. The discipline to focus on research for a period of time without getting distracted from other responsibilities or by the internet or other activities. Some people find it best to schedule time for research and hole themselves up somewhere to think about a problem.

自律。能够在一段时间专注于研究而不被其他“责任”所干扰,这种责任可能来自互联网或者其他活动(译者注:作者是一些委员会的委员 )。有的人发现最好是为研究工作单独开辟时间,在这段时间里把自己藏起来思考问题。

Commitment. Be willing to spend a considerable amount of time on a problem even if you keep running into dead ends.


Training. Taking and working hard in classes. Having and taking advantage of a good advisor. Reading papers and textbooks. When you see a theorem in a paper try to prove it yourself first. Only then can you truly appreciate a proof and learn from it.


Colleagues. Having co-authors, especially those that complement your talents, can help you do more than you could on your own. But just having good people to talk to, to bounce off proof ideas and discuss research directions can greatly help you find the right approach to a problem.


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